2018 Company sponsored workshops

Our aim is to provide the delegates with enough competency at these techniques so that they can practice in their own laboratory setting later. The workshop will also allow embryologists to discuss the technology with their peers and with experts in the field.

Sponsors in collaboration with NILS are planning workshops in vitrification, CASA and PGS to be held at our meeting in September. The workshop will be limited to a maximum of 15 participants.

The workshops are designed to be held on the 7th of September before the commencement of the actual congress.

We warmly invite you to regisiter for ONE of the FOUR WORKSHOPS and keep yourself up to date with the latest technologies.

Vitrolife workshop: Vitrification and Preimplantation genetic testing.

Louise Best, based in UK, has over 20 years of embryology experience and has been with CARE Fertility for 13 years.She has wide-ranging knowledge of all aspects of Clinical embryology techniques and procedures including embryo biopsy and time-lapse culture.She has accrued vast experience in multiple settings (within the UK and abroad) and a broad range of equipment and methodologies. Louise currently acts as Embryology Support for the 8 CARE Fertility laboratories, leading improvement projects, co-ordinating training, and leading trouble shooting initiatives.She has led many research projects and has presented her findings within scientific published literature, and at both UK and International conferences.

Bert Stewart (Ph.D.), based in UK, has been active in the IVF field for over 30 years. He has long-time experience working as a Laboratory Director both in UK and in New Zealand, and has a wide-range knowledge and experience within embryology in general and vitrificationas a speciality. Bert is currently active as advanced embryology support at Vitrolife, providing clinical support to Vitrolifecustomers in combination with being reponsiblefor holding Vitrolifeeducation and trainings for customers through VitrolifeAcademy.

Victoria Sanchez (Dr.rer.nat), based in Germany but originally from Venezuela, has over 10 years of of embryology experience with expert knowledge within sperm biology, sperm DNA analysis and ramanmicrospectroscopy. Victoria has been with Vitrolifefor a little bit more than a year, and is specialized in Vitrolifeembryo biopsy solutions as well as laser products. 

09.00-09.30      Vitrification a crucial part of the biopsy procedure. Bert Stewart

10.00-10.30     Trophectoderm biopsy and Octax laser. Viktoria Sanchez

10.30-10.45      Break

10.45-11.30      Biopsy A to Z. Louise Best

11.30-12.30      Hands-on Vitrification in Room 3. Bert Stewart.


Cooper Surgical Pre-congress workshop: Preimplantation genetic testing and biopsy techniques: Latest insight and technologies.

Join us for a pre-congress workshop focused on recent advancements in the field of preimplantation testing. Featuring informative talks, hands-on training, and expert Q+A, the program will cover PGS (PGT-A), mosaicism, biopsy techniques, and tubing

09.00-09.05      Welcome

09.05-09.45      PGS Data and Outcomes - discussion of data and mosaicism. David Chrimes

09.45-10.15      PGS: no results and what are your options? David Chrimes

10.15-10.30      Coffee break

10.30-11.00      Biopsy techniques – Tips and tricks. Colleen Lynch

11.00-13.00      Hands-on Biopsy and Tubing                             

Computer Aided semen analysis (CASA) workshop

Sperm Class Analyzer ® (Microptic Automatic Diagnostic System)

Attendees of this workshop will acquire practical knowledge on sperm analysis based on international standards and guidelines.

The theoretical part of this session will focus on the advantages of having a Computer Aided Semen Analysis (CASA) system at the IVF centre or lab and the importance of the external and internal quality control for appropriate diagnostic.


A CASA provides reliable and accurate results with less variability than manual methods, giving predictive values when diagnosing fertility problems. It is easy to use and allows for traceability.

This workshop includes an introduction of the SCA - Sperm Class Analyzer® (Microptic’s CASA System), followed by a practical session concerning sample preparation and automatic analysis of sperm motility/concentration, morphology and sperm functional test.

For more details on the workshop/SCA system please email info@nordiccell.com or call at +45.7025.1535

Hands-on Kitazato Vitrification Workshop

The workshop will provide embryologists with a comprehensive knowledge and practical hands-on of vitrification by the Kitazato Method. You will learn about and practice both the open and the closed straws from Kitazato.

This is an interactive and personalized workshop, where a small number of participants will have a workstation equipped with stereomicroscope, all materials needed for practice and a specialized Kitazato instructor.

This workshop is targeted embryologists wishing to introduce vitrification as a new service or those seeking to optimize results

Participants should have the pre-requisite of embryo handling skills.

For more details on the workshop/Kitazato vitrification system please email info@nordiccell.com or call at +45.7025.1535